Those were the times when I used to crib about restrictions. Those were the days when I wished I were 'big'. I had only one thing on my mind- When will I grow up? Grow up to enjoy the freedom, to make own decisions, to get a peek into the real world, and so on. How very wrong was I! Years later realization dawned upon me, that with freedom comes responsibilities. With an ability to be part of the real world is the task of survival of the fittest.
All we did was attend school, do homework, play for some while and then the day comes to an end. Exams, ofcourse, were what we dreaded every time, but then it was a routine and we got used to it. Play time was the most awaited one. Once done with the daily lessons, off we went to let ourselves wild. Watch endless cartoons, read comics, think about things to be done when we grow up... so many thoughts that filled our minds leaving no room for an idle phase.
And today... sure have no time to be idle. Fretting over work, enslaved by work pressure, miserable commuting experiences, and a million other woes sums up an entire day. But one thing is still the same- the eagerly awaited holiday. Why don't we have a Sunday every alternate day? I've begun to sound like a kid now! But I really don't mind. A most welcome change.
I wonder if I could be a kid again. Its not aging that bothers me. I'm 22 and have no qualms about disclosing it (But you see, people say that you mustn't ask a woman her age. How funny!). But still I miss the joy of being a kid... the carefree attitude... the real excitement on discovering something new... *sigh* And all we have are fabricated expressions. We have learnt to camouflage our real self behind fake demeanor.
I'm pretty sure that if I were a kid, I wouldn't have written stuff like this. You can see for yourself what 'growing up' has done to me. For those who haven't changed even a bit, good! But hey, I've not turned that worse. There's still a child in me who loves cartoons & comics. And the character I adore is Calvin. As quoted by him, "Happiness isn’t good enough for me! I demand euphoria!" Thanks Bill Watterson :)
Here goes a childhood song:
"When I was just a child in school,
I asked my teacher, "What should I try?
Should I paint pictures?
Should I sing songs?"
This was her wise reply:
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be."