Saturday, May 24, 2008

Strange encounters of the same kind- Part III

This happened when I was a kid and had not begun my schooling.

I had been to Chowpatty beach along with my family and some guests. It was evening and the whole place was lit up. There were balloon sellers, some peddlars selling some toys. I was so excited that I couldn't help smiling. But the best was still unseen.

In those days we did not have Animal Planet on TV and I used to like monkeys. So the sight of a monkey on the beach was so very delightful to me that I began jumping and clapping shouting 'monkey monkey...'

What do you expect then? If anyone calls out your name and behave like your own kind, you do respond. And so did the monkey!

It came close to me, caught hold of the hem of my frock and began tugging at it. I screamed. This was not what I had thought of. I began crying out loud with the monkey still by my side. I don't remember what happened next. I guess the owner of the monkey came and took it away.

Since that day I stopped monkeying around :|


Warning : said...

monkey gt scared of u and ran away...

spicymist said...

so now do u watch monkey business on animal planet? and u hv disabled comments 4 that tiger poster. did u make it? tis damn kool. u hv joined ne org or sumthing 4 animal protection?

Meshrum said...

No, I don't watch Animal Planet anymore:(
Yes, I liked that tiger pic so just wrote those lines for it. Haven't joined any org. But then using a blog to spread awareness concerning such issues is a good idea, right? ;)

spicymist said...

yeah. i wanned 2 join greenpeace but dunno how i actually go bout it.

Shriharsha Bhat said...

Yes, i also wanted to join the greenpeace revolution. I got influenced after watching the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" on my comp. but i think, i still watch Animal Planet :)